If you are looking to sell or import alcohol in Thailand, then it is important for you to obtain an alcohol license. This article will guide you through the necessity and process to obtain an alcohol license in Thailand.
In Thailand, two acts regulate the import, sale, and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, namely, the Liquor Act of 1950 and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008. Where the first state spirits or liquor is any mixture containing alcohol and can be consumed after mixing with water or any other liquids.
They are classified into two groups as mentioned below;
- Undistilled Spirits
- Distilled Spirits
For this, the Excise Department is responsible to collect excise tax. Similarly, they are the regulatory agency for alcohol production and distribution. Hence, the department obliges the licensee to trade the above-mentioned alcoholic drinks according to Thai regulations.
You should apply for an alcohol license in Thailand if your intention is to;
- Sell alcoholic beverages
- Import more than 1 liter of alcohol
- Untaxed alcohol transportation from a factory
- Transport of more than 10 liters of alcohol
- Alcohol production and possession of related equipment
- Transport more than 1 liter but less than 10 liters of alcohol within specified territories
For your information, the Liquor Act limits license holders to trade alcoholic beverages between 12 pm and 11 am and 2 pm to 5 pm. Also, it cannot be sold to people younger than 20 years or those how to lose consciousness when they are drunk. The same act also prohibits selling alcohol within or next to religious areas and educational institutes. There are various other legal nitty gritty that you must know before starting your business in Thailand. This will grant you a greater authority in the Thai market if you stay rightful and abide by the regulations.
For professional guidance and procedural guidance in the process of obtaining an alcohol license in Thailand, email us at officer@konradlegal.com. After that, you will be able to sell or import alcohol in Thailand.