Step By Step Process Of Setting Up A Restaurant Business

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setting up business in thailandMost foreign investors are fascinated by starting a restaurant business in Thailand. The company registration procedures in Thailand are easier than in any other country in the world.

Step-by-Step Procedures for Setting up a Restaurant Business in Thailand

Step 1: Choose the business location

First, you will need to settle your business address by looking for the best location in Thailand to put up your business.

Step 2: Finalizing Company Structure And Initiating Registration

After finalizing your Business address you can initiate the registration process. You can start with the signing of the documents and finalizing the company structure or organizational structure.

Step 3: Appointing A Thai Director

In this stage, you have to appoint one Thai Director to expedite the registration of the company and the License required for your business.

Step 4: Register The Company With the Ministry Of Commerce

It will take 2 weeks to register your company with the Ministry of commerce. (Includes all the preparations of documents) (If the landlord documents are complete).

Step 5: VAT and Tax Registration

It will take 2 Days. Since the objectives of the company will be to generate income in Thailand you will be required to be VAT registered and this will also enable you to acquire a Work Permit.


Step 6: Social Security Registration

Next, it takes 2 days to register Thai employees to Social Security Systems. This will also enable you to acquire a work permit (4 Thai Employees)

Step 7: Application for your Food License

The officer will check the location of the company to meet the safety precaution for Restaurant Business. (2 Months Approval )

Step 8: Work Permit

Once all the above steps have been done, then we can apply for a work permit in Thailand. The Labor Department has a 2- steps process for approving any Foreigner to work in Thailand:

Application of WP3/ Initial application of work permit:

The Labor Department will issue an approval letter which is necessary for obtaining your Business Visa from the nearest Thai consulate/ embassy in your country. You will have to be out of Thailand while processing your WP3.

Apply for a work permit:

Once you acquire the Business visa (usually Consulate will give you 3 months Business visa) we can apply for the work permit.

Step 9: Extension of Business Visa

(One year) – Once you got the work permit we can apply for a visa extension inside Thailand. (Company should have 3 months of the filing of Social fund, 3 Months filling with VAT, and 1 month filling of Personal income Tax).

That is a long process indeed. But this process will certainly get simplified if you consult with us. To avail of our corporate, legal, accounting, and taxation services, email us at

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