Intellectual Property Services In Thailand
If you are the owner of Intellectual property, which covers anything that is original and created by the human mind, such as inventions, processes, artistic, literary, musical, and other works, you should seek the legal protection of a patent or a registered trademark.
This legal protection will give you a right of monopoly for your intellectual property (IP) and will be very helpful to you if you need to take action against transgressors, so don’t take risks, call us and we’ll make sure that you are invulnerable.

How Are Intellectual Property Rights Protected In Thailand?
Thai laws protect the Intellectual property rights through the granting of patents and the registration of trademarks. The laws of Thailand also protects specific types of work as stated in the Copyright Act.
Types of Works Recognized By Thailand Copyright Law:
Thailand Copyright law will protect:
The rights of the authors of original literary, musical and artistic works including poetry, movies, songs, novels, computer software, and architecture.
Concepts, ideas, facts, and news are not recognized as copyrightable. However, the modes in which these ideas and facts are expressed may be protected by copyright.
Kind of Rights Conferred By A Patent
The fundamental right conferred by a patent is subject to certain exceptions. No other individual will have the right to produce, possess, process or sell a protected product or apply a patented process. Infringement of patents is a criminal offense and shall be penalized under the Patent Act.
Kind of Rights Conferred By A Trademark
Any individual who is registered as the owner of a trademark shall possess an exclusive right to use the trademark. She/he will also have the right to initiate legal proceedings to either prevent or stop others from using the mark or to seek damages for using the mark. For any kind of infringement of trademark, individuals or companies shall be criminally penalized under the Trademark Act.
At Konrad Legal, we offer a wide range of Intellectual Property services:
- Protection of trademarks, industrial designs, copyright and patents in Thailand.
- Litigation related services for intellectual property, including expert advice.
- The investigation, anti-counterfeiting enforcement, and brand policing.
- Intellectual property management, IP valuation and IP strategy services.
- Advisory and transactional work including agreements for technology transfer, non-disclosure, licensing, franchise and distribution.